Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Cael's Salmon Story.

Cael really loved your eagle ray story Finn, so he wanted to tell you about salmon!

This is mum and me watching the eagle ray video!
Salmon are big fish that swim in the ocean and in rivers.

Salmon have funny shaped mouths
Salmon lay eggs like chickens do and when it is time for them to lay their eggs they take a big long journey up the rivers to the very tipty top to lay their eggs. Once the mummy salmon lays her eggs and the daddy fish fertilises them it is time for them to die because they are very tired after their big swim.

This is a picture of salmon eggs, you can see a baby salmon inside
This is a picture of salmon spawn. Salmon spawn is when all of the salmon lay their eggs at the top of rivers. 

This is a salmon jumping out of the water

This is salmon eggs

It is a very hard journey and many salmon don't make it. Bears love to eat salmon and will wait to catch them when salmon jump out of the water. Here is a video of a bear in Alaska who is catching a salmon.

I haven't seen salmon swimming in rivers but I did see salmon swimming at a salmon farm in Twizel and I fed them! I really like salmon, they are a cute little fish. I also like to eat salmon. I like to eat salmon sushi!

Here are some videos of me being a salmon fish!


  1. Max really loved your videos of being a salmon fish Cael! He tried to be a salmon fish too!!

  2. finn says: tbiubbygu;hio oubhubhnboubuvioyfvyfgubyguygygtgtvtrugvogoggotggygygyvvfhjhjgegedmfgdnhgfnsfscdx bxddbxdfxdxdzgbdscfx
    translated by his mum into english: that was cool. I loved your videos of you being a salmon fish the most Cael. The grizzly bears were cool too.
    bye finn x

  3. Ava says: Cael the movie of you being a Salmon was pretty cool!!
