Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Antonia's introduction for Squirrel kids blogging

Hello, I am Antonia. I am 8 years old. I have a little brother called Vincent Who is 5 Years old, And a little brother called Alexander Who is 2 1/2 Weeks old (newborn...).

(Left Hand Side) Vincent
(Middle) Alexander
(Right Hand Side) Me :)

I had my hair cut 3 days after alex was born.
I have 2 best friends, Ruby (10 1/3 years old), And Charlotte (9 years old on the dot)

(Left Hand Side) Charlotte
(Middle) me :)
(Right Hand Side) Ruby.

I love doing ballet, maths, playing piano, and saving best for last, HORSERIDING!!!!!
my favorite food is Asian pork buns... mmmmmm....... I also like a epic game called MoshiMonsters, if you have ever heard of it, my owner name is antoniasworld, and my monsters name is firegirlofaweome. I am also a minecraft fanatic. you would (on minecraft) usually find me on this server Ip: (case sensitive). my minecraft username is antonialee. I love blogging so i will be looking foward to blogging with all of you :)!


  1. Hi Antonia, I love MOSHIMONSTERS. Finn x

    1. Finn, i would love to play moshimonsters with you sometime, what is your owner name? Mine is antoniasworld... it was all i could think of. I am aloud on my computer on monday and saturday afternoons at 2.00/3.00.

    2. :)

    3. Thanks Finn :) I will be oon today so i will check my moshimonsters.

  2. Hi Antonia, I am very impressed at your blogging skills. I am 29 years old and it took me aaages to figure out how to publish a post. Daisy and Olive are in bed right now but I bet they will love to see your pictures tomorrow. I really like your haircut, it suits you!

  3. Hi Ant! I love your first blog post! I think your haircut is really nice too. You look like you are having heaps of fun with your friends. I really love horseriding too! Its my favourite. I would love to see pictures of your horse sometime.

  4. Hi. Thank you for all the comments :). i am pleased you like it my blog and i will give u a sneekpeek of my next blog: it is about my nan, my dad,Vincent, and I. we go to (Tasmania) Bonorong wildlife park and see kangaroos and get to pat a koala :). it was amazing, so yeah... see you all lateer :)

  5. Hi Antonia, My name is Tom, I love playing Minecraft too. I usually play the pocket edition on my iPad, one day I will have it on the computer and then maybe we could play together? I am 7 and I am homeschooled too. My family is thinking about moving to Australia - that is where you live isn't it?

    1. Yes, tom, that is is right. Yes we could arrange playing together, that would be good. Once i figure out how to fix it, i could tell you the ip to my server (That my dad made me) and we could meet on there. See you then :)

  6. Ava wants to tell you she used to go to dance class and she loves riding her ponies!
